Thursday, January 04, 2007

#1F. Holidays

On the 1st of December last year, I took a 50 minute flight to the main city for my job interview. The interview wasn't until the next day, but I wanted to be prepared and get a good nights' sleep before the big day.

It took me ages to find the actual office (lucky I left my parents' house an hour before the meeting) but I was all flustered by the time I sat down before the partner and the senior associate to start the interview. It didn't help that I was also paranoid about the sunburn on my face. In case you were wondering, my sister donated an excellent concealer to the "Help-Tia-hide-her-sunburn-before-the-job-interview" cause. The concealer hid most of the sunburn but it didn't help the paranoia one bit.

The interview went great - I was almost certain I bagged the job.

The only downside to the weekend was the fact that I didn't get to spend much time with my family or friends. There wasn't enough time to meet up with everyone or just chill out. I had to fly back home the day after the interview.

Days passed. Before I knew it, Christmas was at my doorstep.

DirectLink Recruitment Dan called me just before Christmas to say hi. Oh, and to wish me a happy holiday. Hmmm. No mention about the job though. Bugger.

I had two weeks' holiday for Christmas, so I went back to the city to visit my family. I had a great time catching up with family and friends. Two weeks was like eternity compared to the rushed weekend when I last went to visit.

I scored great presents too - from my parents I received a stereo system for my car, and from my auntie I got a pair of very expensive sunglasses.

I guess my "subtle" hints worked.

Note to self - next Christmas, I'd need to employ the same "subtle" hinting techniques to score even better presents.

New years eve was pretty quiet for me. I fell asleep at 2.00am after consuming all the Cadbury "Magical Elves" chocolate hidden in my auntie's cupboard. She hid them well, but I'm a legendary sleuth when it comes to finding food.

My holidays ended on the 2nd of January. I had to fly back home on the morning of the 2nd, and work on the same day. It was an extremely inconvenient get-up, but nothing in the world could have made me fly back home on new years' day.

Still no word from DirectLink Recruitment. Maybe I didn't bag that job after all.

Oh well. I guess I'll just have to apply elsewhere.

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