Saturday, January 20, 2007

Scrapping the Grand Plan

A new year, a new lease on life. Well, that's my motto anyway.

I still haven't heard from DirectLink Recruitment Dan. Or any other firms that I applied to directly.

I guess I'm going to have to bear the "country" life for a little while longer.

It's been a while since I moved out of home now - almost a year and a half - and I'm kinda starting to get used to living alone. I mean, don't get me wrong - I still miss my family, and I intend to move back to the city - but I know that I have to get a job first, and I don't mind if finding that job takes a little longer than originally planned. After all, I've waited this long already - what's another couple of months?

So with this in mind, I've scrapped my "grand plan".

There will be no more planning for me (Umm except maybe for my wedding day. But that's a longggg way away). I'll just take everything as it comes, and hopefully things will fall into place.

Eyes shut, lips pursed and fingers crossed.

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